The 2NP Profiles



There are 192 possible profile combinations!

It’s because of this great amount of variance in personalities, motor preferences and motivations that we have been able to help guide teams and individuals to success, through an individualized roadmap!

PsychoMotor Profile

The PsychoMotor Profile is our foundational profile, meaning that we test it first and recommend starting here for most companies and teams. This profile will detail personality traits and motor preferences that teams and individuals can use to enhance and optimize their performance.

Personality Traits – Understanding the in’s and out’s of our thought processes, decision making abilities, and our limitations provide us with the knowledge we need to grow as people. This insight will provide team leaders the information needed to build their teams up instead of accidentally tearing them down. It will give personal insights like why you come to conclusions so quickly, why efficiency is king, and why your love language (we know you read it) is what it is. 

Motor Preferences – This is where we eliminate dogma from sports techniques, movements and strategies. Our biology has adapted to have non-binary functions, in general people only consider this distinction when it comes to handiness. We have come to know that every part of our biology has already made a choice, move right or move left, right or left eye dominance. These choices are predetermined in our Biology for optimization purposes, and now you can have access to all of your built-in preferences.

Motivation Profile

If the PsychoMotor Profile is the car, the Motivation Profile is the Fuel. The two go hand in hand to create harmony (natural and learned). Motivation can be very powerful when understood, if misused/misunderstood it can be damaging to an individual.

Our Motivational Profile will detail your two specific motivational drivers (internal and external), as well as whether or not they are in conflict or harmony with each other, along with your PsychoMotor Profile. The 2 static “Motivational Drivers” are understanding (why) and Anchor (core), these two drivers will never be paired together. The 3 dynamic drivers are Competition (win), Relation (with/for who), Projection (plan), these three will never be paired together. Each of these drivers is social or operational, creating harmony or conflict within people. If both drivers are the same (social or operational) they are in harmony and not much needs to be done to problem solve, if they are different conflict arises and creates challenges for people who aren’t aware of their Motivation Profile. 

The power of language becomes apparent when you understand the Motivation Profile. Proper language when communicating with someone will trigger a chemical response in the body spurring that person forward, ready for the challenge. Improper language will leave your colleague with a chemical imbalance, in sports this is imbalance manifests itself in a lack of tonicity in the spine (literally weakening a person). This is why the Motivation Profile is so important for teams to be able to reach the stars!