About the company

2nd Nature Performance was founded in 2021 by 3 friends who all came to the same conclusion…. this system can change lives. And so the foundational 2NP Team was formed, an NCAA D1 coach, a professional athlete and a professional coach, experts in human movement and behavior. 

At 2nd Nature Performance we pride ourselves on optimizing human performance through BioDynamics. Individualizing the way we teach humans to perform is at the heart of what we do. There are so many different ways to do things that narrowing the window because one way worked for someone never made sense to us, we are trying to bust open the box that people are put into and allow them to flourish in their own way. 

The overwhelming response when we start coaching people according to their BioDynamic preferences is relief, they are so happy to know that they weren’t the issue all along. Stress levels start to go down, enjoyment goes way up, and performance is enhanced. 

The two profiles that we use in our BioDynamic Learning are a PsychoMotor Profile and a Motivational Profile. Separately these profiles make someone powerful, but together they can make you unstoppable! 

The profiles stem from the company “ActionTypes”, which our friend and mentor Ralph Hippolyte co-founded in Europe. They are the ones who figured out the Physical Testing Method that uncovers a person’s biology and allows us to see the specific ways we should coach them. Without Ralph and ActionTypes, 2NP wouldn’t exist and we are so thankful for their work and for the continued relationship we have with Ralph. 


DEF: a biological makeup of unique characteristics and preferences that every human is born with. 

BioDynamics is the integration of the body’s three energy systems uniquely expressed via patterned preferences and biases. The process of discovering and utilizing your BioDynamics is called BioDynamic Learning. 

Physical Testing Method

Think of how you have tested for your personality profile previously, it was probably a paper test where you answered basic questions to find your personality. The big issue with these paper tests is personal bias skews the test, as well as how hard it is to narrow in on an answer in a multiple choice question where you think more than one answer applies to you. 

Physical testing eliminates the guesswork and personal bias from the equation, it reveals your body’s preferences that are ingrained in your biology. We rely on the body to give the “responses” (stability and tonicity) to the “questions” (postures and movements) on the “test”. The test is no more than 10 minutes and instantly reveals what years of getting to know someone would do. 

Thank you Ralph Hippolyte!

Co-Founder ActionTypes and sole creator of the Deep Motivational Drivers Profile